***February 2025 – More fabulous feedback and results from using our paper-based ‘No Nonsense Phonics’ programme from Deputy Headteacher, Bethany Dickson…

Many thanks to Bethany for this super feedback below. Bethany has also kindly sent me some fabulous ‘over the shoulder’ photographs of children using their Pupil Books, and photos of various No Nonsense Phonics wall displays. I’m very grateful, especially

***February 2025: VERY important news from Australia – a new 40 word phonics check will be ‘statutory’ from 2026. This is ‘only’ 14 years after a statutory Year 1 phonics screening check was launched in England! When will the rest of the UK (Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland) get on board with this development, and other countries teaching English reading and spelling?

Our Phonics International programme has been used in some Australian schools for a number of years, and then when Lioncrest in Australia started to supply our hard-copy No Nonsense Phonics programme developed from our experience and findings with Phonics International,

***6th February – Life works in mysterious ways… I appealed for photos and videos of my phonics programmes ‘in action’ and only the next day I was alerted to an online ITV news item by journalist Rhys Williams in which Phonics International resources can be seen in a school in Scotland!

Debbie: I was unaware that journalist Rhys Williams was conducting an extensive investigation to compare guidance for teachers in reading instruction across Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland to compare with current official guidance in England. I was aware, however, of

***Guidance for the Phonics Routines – taken from the No Nonsense Phonics Teachers’ Handbooks but also applicable to the Phonics International programme

Debbie: Please note that any training, suggestions and guidance I give for the No Nonsense Phonics programme’s resources via its routine phonics ‘teaching and learning cycle’ applies equally to the rationale and resources of the Phonics International programme. If teachers,

***January 2025: Getting to know Reading Leader, Emily Kenny – her findings with trialling ‘No Nonsense Phonics’ and ‘Phonics and Talk Time’ – further feedback from the exceptional Flying High Trust NNP team headed up by Carl Pattison!

Debbie: Every half term (there are three ‘terms’ in England’s academic year), literacy advisor Carl Pattison endeavours to hold an online meeting with the Reading Leaders from schools using the No Nonsense Phonics (NNP) programme. Most of these schools are

***January 2025 – The No Nonsense Phonics Pupil Books trialled for ‘intervention’ in a primary school in Wales, now being rolled out for ‘mainstream’ because of its success!

We are grateful to have received this testimonial below provided by the Headteacher of a primary school in Wales, UK – January 2025: ‘After deciding to focus on improving phonics and reading to ensure that all children are able to

***Does CVC refer to letters or sounds? Post by Debbie Hepplewhite written at first as a guest post for Dr. Kathryn Garforth of Garforth Education

The need to distinguish between consonant letters and vowel letters through teaching about ‘the alphabet’ compared to consonant sounds and vowel sounds through teaching about the ‘alphabetic code’ Teachers need to teach about both ‘the alphabet’ and ‘the alphabetic code’

***December 2024 – Recording of my talk for student-teachers at Edge Hill University with the theme of ‘Evaluating and Comparing the DfE-validated Phonics Programmes’ in which I am highly critical of the ‘Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised’ programme and pedagogy.

UPDATE: January 2025 – the video of the Edge Hill University talk is no longer in the public domain at the request of the university. December 2024 – See the recording of a talk I provided for student-teachers at Edge Hill

***2024 – Update of Y1 Phonics Screening Check results in some top-performing Flying High Trust schools using the ‘No Nonsense Phonics’ programme…

In previous posts, Literacy Advisor Carl Pattison has described the benefits and results of the rich-content, paper-based approach of the No Nonsense Phonics programme implemented in multiple schools of the Flying High Trust, with Reading Leaders describing their ‘Surprises‘ from

***Rob Randel provides the Welsh content for an English-Welsh Alphabetic Code Chart – and describes his findings using the No Nonsense Phonics Pupil Books and the complementary Phonics Reading Books

Debbie Hepplewhite: November 2024 – At long last, we have uploaded a ‘combined’ English-Welsh Alphabetic Code Chart. This has been an idea for some considerable time, and I’m extremely grateful to Rob Randel who has provided the Welsh content for

***In a nutshell, a response to schools contemplating a change to Phonics International (and/or No Nonsense Phonics) and seeking training…

5th November 2024: I’ve written untold numbers of emails, over many years, to teaching professionals who approach me for information and training for my various phonics programmes. Having asked for their school context and perceived training requirements, I reply accordingly

***Sept 2024 – Partial critique of the systematic synthetic phonics programme, ‘Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised’ – it amounts to ‘impoverished’ phonics provision…

Update: January 2025 – Education journalist Warwick Mansell publishes a further report featuring a possible fine for The Wandle Trust for unpaid VAT on enormous profits from the Little Wandle programme: https://x.com/warwickmansell/status/1884216730500882680 Update: December 2024 – See the recording of

***England: Sept 2024 – Critique of the Department for Education’s ENGLISH HUBS initiative – lacking in transparency and accountability, inwards-looking and unambitious – could do differently and better!

Update: January 2025 – Education journalist Warwick Mansell publishes a further report featuring a possible fine for The Wandle Trust for unpaid VAT on enormous profits from the Little Wandle programme: https://x.com/warwickmansell/status/1884216730500882680 ——————————————– 20 September 2024 – this post is

***Dr Gillian Evans writes, ‘ “All Learners in Scotland Matter”, No They Don’t’ – and Gillian has the knowledge and experience to illustrate this parlous state of affairs…

Debbie: The field of ‘Education’ is devolved in the United Kingdom. This has led to a different rationale, and different content, for ‘official’ guidance for teacher training, and foundational literacy instruction for learners, in England compared to Scotland, Wales and

***Myths and misunderstandings about the claimed superiority of the ‘Speech to Print’ phonics approach for teaching reading, compared to programmes said to be based on ‘Print to Speech’ – and the THIRD approach with equal attention to BOTH directions where speech to print is taught for spelling, and print to speech is taught for reading

Debbie: I don’t doubt that writing my observations and thoughts about this topic is stepping into a minefield, but I feel compelled to write something. I’ve avoided fully approaching this topic in the public domain for many years. With the

***England: Reading Leaders from the ‘Flying High Trust’ share their ‘SURPRISES’ from the implementation of ‘No Nonsense Phonics’ in their infant, junior and primary schools – guest post by Carl Pattison

Carl Pattison is the Early Reading Lead advisor for the Flying High Trust (an Academy Trust of multiple schools in Nottinghamshire). Carl summarised the findings of the Reading Leaders (Summer 2023): Summary: After Reading Leaders reflected on the ‘surprises‘ following

***PART TWO: ‘The harmful legacy of multi-cueing and its evolution into look-alike reading – a secondary school perspective’ guest post by Jacqui Moller-Butcher

For PART ONE of this topic, introducing Jacqui Moller-Butcher and her work and worries about ‘look-alike reading’, click HERE. The harmful legacy of multi-cueing and its evolution into look-alike reading – a secondary school perspective by Jacqui Moller-Butcher, June 2020 Please

***PART ONE – Guest post: Introducing Jacqui Moller-Butcher and her extraordinarily important findings (and suggestions) regarding ‘look-alike reading’ in KS 3 (secondary sector)

Debbie: PART ONE: I’ve never met secondary English teacher Jacqui Moller-Butcher but I’ve known of her since she first raised worries about her observations of ‘look-alike reading’ in an online discussion via the blog of popular KS 3 blogger, David Didau. At

***Contact details of some people and schools using – Phonics International, No Nonsense Phonics or Oxford Reading Tree Floppy’s Phonics (Oxford University Press) or a combination in some cases!

Debbie: I’m frequently asked if I can provide the name and contact details of people in schools that are using one (or more) of my systematic synthetic phonics programmes. It may seem strange to refer to using ‘one or more’


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