Our company, Phonics International Ltd, is literally ‘international’ and over the years, David (my hubby) and I have had many lovely ‘feedback’ comments from people in different countries and widely-differing contexts. We appreciate every single one – thank you to those people who send us messages, some of you even keep in touch with us every few years or so letting us know how you and your learners are faring or have fared (or how you have successfully ‘spread the word’). A big THANK YOU for this ‘human touch’ of thoughtfulness.

Some comments are between David and customers as David is the administrator dealing with orders and queries. He worries that orders from overseas necessitate increased postal charges and so he clarifies these with our international customers before orders are finalised.

Word-of-mouth success is leading to a growing number of schools in Australia adopting our ‘No Nonsense Phonics’ programme. This body of work includes our ready-made, pick-up-and-go ‘No Nonsense Phonics Skills Pupil Books‘ – thus, somewhat bulky and heavy to supply overseas. When David was clarifying the postal cost with one school in Australia, this response was immediately forthcoming, “Our teachers and children really love the books” – so that was that!

The ‘No Nonsense Phonics Skills’ Pupil Books were soon on their way!

And this is the page packed full of information about the No Nonsense Phonics programme, its underpinning rationale, its content-rich practice for every single learner, why it is so informative and supportive for all stakeholders – and this page includes plenty of free training content too!

This is our ‘hub’ website leading to all our work – including not just our ‘to buy’ resources but also our fantastic FREE programmes and bodies of work for foundational literacy from age 3+ to adult – as required!

***Perhaps the shortest post I’ve ever written – lovely comments from Australia!

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