***Easy-peasy phonics revision – just TURN BACK to previous code, words, texts on paper belonging to each learner – SO SIMPLE!

By Debbie Hepplewhite: Teaching the English alphabetic code (the letter/s-sound correspondences) and the requisite three core phonics skills and their sub-skills for reading and spelling is based on a routine ‘phonics teaching and learning cycle‘ when it is taught SYSTEMATICALLY – whether for mainstream

***Australia: ‘Diocese of Ballarat Catholic Education Partnership Award 2022’ for Emma, Bree and Rebecca having pioneered for the Science of Reading explicit teaching practices (including the use of ‘No Nonsense Phonics’)

Debbie: I was so delighted to read about this achievement via Emma Rutherford’s Facebook page. Hearty congratulations to Emma, Bree and Rebecca for all the pioneering and hard work of these ladies – and for the hard work of their


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