We hear from people in different contexts and countries about how well teaching and learning is going with our phonics programmes, but it’s really great to ‘see/watch’ phonics provision in action. Those of you who know of my work well will be aware that I’m highly critical of very typical phonics provision that amounts to a sea of flash card work (delivered by the adult ‘to’ the children) followed by the children undertaking some mini whiteboard work whilst sitting on the carpet (led by the adult again, doing the phonics ‘to’ the children – also, ‘sound to print’ which is a spelling assessment routine – not reading). In great contrast, my paper-based approach benefits each child as an individual by tackling plain code/words/sentences and texts independently FIRST enabling ‘deep’ application and practice of a combined reading, spelling, writing and language comprehension activity at the individual’s own speed and capacity).

David has taken a section of an original ‘No Nonsense Phonics‘ video to cut-to-the-chase of demonstrating some classroom practice in a school where the materials were being trialled, and this extract is now uploaded onto YouTube. He has also added very useful links beneath the video leading people directly to further transparent information and FREE training. If users of our ‘No Nonsense Phonics‘ programme and materials spend some time reading and watching via this page, they may need no further training at all!

We also provide a few videos of Lumen and Hope trialling some No Nonsense Phonics Pupil Books in their homes. Their dads, Rob Randel (in Wales) and Carl Pattison (in England), have gone on to trial the ‘No Nonsense Phonics‘ programme extensively in schools for both intervention and mainstream provision with great success.

Our aspiration is to provide further tangible photographs and videos of ‘No Nonsense Phonics‘ and ‘Phonics International‘ in action from the many contexts and countries it is used throughout the world. Thank you to everyone who has provided us with such content to date. XXX

***’No Nonsense Phonics’ and ‘Phonics International’ in action – and appeal for further photos and short videos please

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