Debbie: Please note that any training, suggestions and guidance I give for the No Nonsense Phonics programme’s resources via its routine phonics ‘teaching and learning cycle’ applies equally to the rationale and resources of the Phonics International programme. If teachers, tutors and home-educating parents and carers spend time reading, watching, listening to the various pdfs, PowerPoints and videos, they will not require any expensive or ‘to buy’ training. Further, I have designed all the resources in Phonics International and No Nonsense Phonics with ALL stakeholders in mind. Clear guidance for the adult (for use in schools and in homes) is provided throughout both bodies of work. The No Nonsense Phonics programme (for infants and primary) and its resources are directly developed from the original (and now FREE) Phonics International programme (PI is suitable for all ages, flexibly, as required).

Click on this link below to a pdf of the beginning of the No Nonsense Phonics Skills Teacher Book 2:

Note that the actual NNPS Pupil Books are provided within the parallel Teacher Books with additional post-it notes for information, teaching tips and training for good use of the NNPS Pupil Books. Below is an example of Teacher Book 2 provided as an ebook to ensure transparent information as to what people are ‘buying’ when they invest in our No Nonsense Phonics programme:

This page at our (main website for No Nonsense Phonics) provides full information and free training via text, PowerPoints (one with my voice over) and videos .

This page provides a convenient list of all the ‘hard copy’ range of resources, plus our Phonics Reading Books eBookshelf . All these hard copy resources and Phonics Reading Books can serve both the No Nonsense Phonics programme and Units 1 to 6 (of 12 Units) of the Phonics International programme. These are published by our company, Phonics International Ltd.

Our range of Phonics International Ltd’s FREE resources may be second to none. These are accessible via our No Nonsense Phonics main site:

And check out our FREE CPD RESOURCES which are applicable to both the No Nonsense Phonics programme and Phonics International (and include resources that could be considered ‘generic’ and useful to any educator including parents).

Our FREE overview Alphabetic Code Charts are renowned and used in many contexts and countries. There is a short, embedded video describing their various designs and uses.

We also provide fantastic FREE early years, pre-school/nursery resources: Teeny Reading Seeds and two Phonics and Talk Time books. (More information will be forthcoming as Early Years Reading Leader, Emily Kenny, trials these and provides her findings.)

Additionally, we provide FREE training via videos and FREE Alphabet and Handwriting Resources including for teaching fully joined handwriting.

Not all phonics programmes’ websites give much indication of the nature of their resources and rationale. In these times of the internet, I don’t think that’s acceptable. For some programmes, you have to sign up and submit an application just to learn any substantial information about the programme and any associated training. We at Phonics International Ltd try hard to be as informative and transparent as we can be. Any ‘signing up’ via a very simple online form will provide people with immediate access to our FULL, FREE Phonics International programme’s teaching and learning resources – via the PI PROGRAMME INDEX page!

***Guidance for the Phonics Routines – taken from the No Nonsense Phonics Teachers’ Handbooks but also applicable to the Phonics International programme

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